Friday, April 11, 2014

Xenocide Book 3 In the Ender's Game Series

This is my favorite book so far in the Ender's Game series. I love how much you get to really know who Ender/Andrew is. I really love that there are main alien characters that the reader gets to know in depth. The piggies were some of my favorite characters because while they are very foreign they are good and intelligent and want to learn. I love that the author brought Ender's sister Valentine back into the story. This story really grabbed me from the very beginning. The god-spoken on Path that get introduced were such interesting characters. I really enjoyed the fact that while in the first book Ender unknowingly killed the Buggers, in this book he isn't falling for anything and is standing up for whats right no matter the cost. There were quite a few parts in the book that shocked me. Such awesome twists that I didn't see coming. This book explains a lot about the bond between the Hive Queen and Ender as well as touching on quite a few other things that weren't explained in the book before. I cant wait to read the finale in the next book!