Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Game of Thrones

This was an absolutely fantastic book. At no point during the story was I bored or ready to skip any parts. I loved the character development of every single character even if they were horrible people! I love the fact that each chapter is a different character's perspective on the events taking place. I cant choose a favorite character because even the bad ones bring certain things to the story that I like. I really enjoyed the direwolves in the story, how they protect the Stark children and almost seem to take on their characteristics. I think I identify with the Stark family the most as they are good, honorable people who do things for the good of all instead of a lust for power. I despised the Lannisters although I did like how sarcastic Tyrion (The Imp) was. I am most intrigued by Daenerys Targaryen. She seemed to have great good in her but towards the end she seemed capable of great evil too. I cant wait to read more about her in the second book. All in all I really enjoyed all aspects of this book and cannot wait to continue all the stories in the second book. I will be reading this entire series.

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