Saturday, December 10, 2011

A Clash of Kings

This book was better than the first one! There were so many twists and turns! The people you thought were good people in the first book are bad and the people you thought bad maybe arent so bad. The characters have to reach deep inside them and find the strength to keep going even through horible hardships. I really enjoyed getting to dive deeper into the stories of Jon and Arya who are my favorite characters right now. I havent decided if Tyrion Lannister is a good guy or a bad guy, he shows qualities of both. Im excited to see where he goes in the next book. Im really enjoying the Bran and Rickon Stark and the direwolves story combining more and more. The magic of the beastlings is pretty neat. Everyone is fighting against each other and the realm is pretty much being torn apart so Im excited to see where this next book will take all the fighting "kings". Sansa showed more depth in this book so I liked her better. I feel like she will play a major role in bringing down Joffrey but Im not sure how yet. Cant wait until Dany makes it over to join the fighting with her dragons. A fantastic book, I was totally entertained!

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