Thursday, December 1, 2011

Thanksgiving Day Feast

This year was my very first year making my own Thanksgiving Day food. I realized I had never really made any of the typical dishes you have on Thanksgiving! It was just Chris and I this year so we decided to make our very own feast! I started out by making a menu of the things I wanted to make and then went to the grocery store and made sure I had all the ingredients for everything. My menu included turkey, green bean casserole, stuffing, candied yams, mashed potatoes and gravy, rolls and a pumpkin pie!

I was sort of nervous about the turkey since I have never in my life cooked a turkey but I bought a Jennie-o pre-packaged turkey that didnt need to be defrosted. It came in its own cooking bag so all I had to was take the outer bag off and stick it in the oven! I bought one of those crappy tin pans to cook the turkey in so I could just throw it away when it was done. The turkey also came with one of those pop up timer things in it but I didnt trust it and bought a meat thermometer. The turkey baked on 450 for only 4 hours! Not bad!

I have a small oven as you can see with only one rack in it so I knew I was going to have to be creative with getting everything cooked. While we waited we goofed off a little.

And the cat lounged

When the turkey was in its last hour of cooking I started to get the other dishes ready to just stick in the oven. I got my green bean casserole all mixed together.

And my candied yams.

I have to mention that my entire apartment smelled heavenly while the turkey was cooking! When I had finshed all of that the turkey was all done so I pulled it out and had Chris carve it. He did an awesome job and this was his first time carving a turkey!

Once the turkey had vacated my oven I stuck in the green bean casserole and the candied yams. While they were cooking in the oven I had the stuffing and potatoes cooking on the stove.

Chris got me some gorgeous Sunflowers for Thanksgiving that made our table very festive

And we had a yummy toast with Sparkling Cider!

Finally around 4pm everything was done and it was time to chow down!!! We put all the dishes on the table and served up!

We ate until we were about to burst. Everything turned out so great. I was so proud of my very first turkey! We had so many leftovers!! I was so excited to eat Thanksgiving food all weekend!

After dinner I made my very first pumpkin pie. It turned out perfect and yummy and we had some as soon as it cooled.

We decided we needed whipped cream. Chris decided he needed A LOT of whipped cream!

Our very first Thanksgiving Day feast and first Thanksgiving Day together was perfect and relaxing and the food was fantastic. Nothing could have made it any better.....except maybe more pumpkin pie!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome job!! Here's some tips I've got along the way. First...look into a brine for ur turkey. It's awesome and we have never turned back. Next, this is the first year we bought a separate cooker for our turkey (only $30) It came out BOMB and we had our oven free for sides.
    So happy to hear ur first go at it was a success!! I love learning & starting new traditions. (ps, I have a bomb cornbread stuffing recipe if ur interested)
