Friday, October 21, 2011

My Review of Light a Penny Candle by Maeve Binchy

I started reading this book while staying at a cabin on Orcas Island on vacation. It was rainy and cold outside and I was bored so I picked up a book on the shelf and started reading. I immediately fell in love with the characters and actually got really far into the book. I liked it so much I actually considered taking the book with me when I left but opted for just writing the name down instead. I bought the book and then ended up getting it on my Kindle.
The book takes place in England during World War II and the main character is Elizabeth who is a very shy uncertain girl. Her parents want to get her away from the war so they send her to Ireland to live with her mothers childhood friend. The Irish family is loud and boisterous and large whereas Elizabeth comes from a family where she is the only child and her parents dont really like each other. Elizabeth learns to come out of her shell and makes a friend for life in Aisling who is the same age as her. The two grow close even when the war is over and Elizabeth goes home. The friends go through different experience although they share the same man and still stay as close as ever.
I have to say I didnt like the ending of the book. It got very strange. The beginnng of the book was about family and closeness and in the end Elizabeth isnt the person you think she is through the whole book. I was not excited about the ending at all.
I think the thing I didnt like the most was the book didnt make me think. I didnt put myself in the characters place and think..."what would I do in this situation" and I dont like that.
Over all though, very well written. Loved the characters, at least till the end. I would recommend it.

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