Thursday, September 8, 2011

Beer Battered Fish

This was my very first time making beer battered fish. I was a little nervous as I have never fried anything in oil before. I also had no clue what kind of beer to use but posted the question on Facebook and the unanimous answer was Budweiser.
The recipe starts by telling you to "heat" oil. It doesn't say what temperature in this recipe so I thought well the hotter the better right? WRONG!! Heat means barely hot, just hot enough to slowly cook whatever it is you want to fry. I made the mistake of heating my oil way to much and when I dropped the fish in it burned immediately!

The fish on the left is what happens if you get too zealous with "heating" your oil. EEK!

Next the recipe tells you to take good 'ol Bisquick mix and coat your fish, like so:

It then has you mix the ingredients for your batter. It says if its too thick to add more beer but I found that the consistency was just fine. I tasted a little and you can for sure taste the beer but not in an over powering way, more like an after taste.

Mine was not thick by any means but it wasn't runny either. Right in between seemed perfect. Once that is ready you dip your fish in making sure all surfaces are covered. The recipe says to let the excess drip off but I wanted lots of batter on mine so I didn't.

Once all that is finished you are ready to fry up some fish!! The recipe says to fry the fish for two minutes on each side. Make sure to flip only once! I found that having the heat on a little lower and frying a little longer gave the fish a better flavor.

The fish on the right is what a good piece of fried fish should look like! Maybe even a little lighter!

To drain all the oil off I just put a paper towel on the serving plate and let it soak it all up. I would say eat right away as its better. The batter tends to get a little soggy if you wait. My boyfriend Chris took the left overs for lunch the next day at work and said it was VERY soggy so I would say this is an eat all of it that night meal. I served mine with curly fries and ranch dressing (I forgot to grab tartar sauce!) and it was a meal fit for a king. I got the official boyfriend approval and will for sure be making this again!!

If you want to make this please look below, I have included the recipe. Let me know what you think!

Vegetable oil

1 pound fish fillet

3 to 4 tablespoons Original Bisquick® mix

1 cup Original Bisquick® mix

1/2 cup beer

1 egg  

1/2 teaspoon salt

      Heat oil (1 1/2 inches) in heavy saucepan. Lightly coat fish with 3 to 4 tablespoons of Bisquick mix. Mix remaining ingredients with hand beater till smooth. (If batter is too thick, stir in additional beer, 1 tablespoon at a time until desired consistency.) Dip fish into batter, letting excess drip into bowl. Fry fish about 2 minutes on each side or until golden brown then drain.

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