Monday, September 12, 2011

My Professional Review of The Help by Kathryn Stockett

I finished this book on Sunday. It was a very fast read. I really enjoyed the main characters. The author did a very good job of absorbing you into their daily lives and who they are. I felt as if Skeeter and Aibileen we two people I had grown up knowing. I think they were my favorite. I love Minny's spunk and I also loved that her boss Miss Celia didn't see that there were lines between race.
I really connected with Skeeter's character. I loved the fact that even though her entire life and culture said that to treat a colored person back then that way was fine and yet in her heart she knew it wasn't and rather than take the easy road and be a follower she chose to stand apart and fight for what was right. I felt as though some of the other white women that were showcased were good people with good hearts but they kept their mouths shut because they didn't want a label or the turmoil which to me is not an excuse.
I also really connected with Aibileen's character. I loved that she raised so many white children to be good people and that she tried to make a difference in their lives. I loved that she told Mae Mobley everyday that she was good and kind and gave her lots of hugs. Things like that can make a world of difference in a child's life. I really put myself in Aibileen's shoes being a strong, intelligent woman she had to shut her mouth and deal with disrespect on a daily basis and she did it because she knew if she spoke up she could possibly be killed. I cannot imagine living in a time where I couldn't speak my mind. I think if I had been one of these women I would have been killed which is why I think I really liked Minny because she wasn't afraid to tell anyone what she thought. Yes, it got her into trouble but she seemed like someone who would always tell you the truth.
I truly despised Miss Hilly's character. What an ignorant, unintelligent, conniving, woman. She was "out to get" anyone that she didn't understand. How sad for her that she wasn't able to have an open mind. I really did not like that character at all. She went out of her way to ruin peoples lives. The whole Home Help Sanitation Initiative made me so angry that good people were put through humiliations like that. How small-minded people were back then.
I really enjoyed the fact that the maids banded together and then accepted Miss Skeeter as one of their own proving that they were looking past the fact that Miss Skeeter was white and loving her for who she was.
The quote that spoke to me the most was, "Wasn't that the point of the book? For women to realize, We are just two people. Not that much separates us. Not nearly as much as I'd thought." We are all just people and we are all very similar and this book to me really spoke that showing someone a kindness, even a small one can change things so each of us need to do our small parts to change the world.
I rate this book 5 stars and highly recommend it!

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